OSCE QUESTION AND ANSWERS: 1) What is the mechanism of action of insulin at cellular level? Insulin acts on a glycoprotein- tyrosine kinase receptors on the cell membrane and it binds to the alpha subunit which leads to phosphorylation of beta subunit. This leads to transport of GLUT RECEPTORS on to the cell membrane which in-turn transports glucose into the target cell( adipocyte and muscle cell); Gluconeogenesis is inhibited and glycogenesis is stimulated in the liver cell with the action of insulin on it; All these leads to decrease in the blood sugar hence it usage in hyperglycaemic state; 2)How do you differentiate a patient clinically on the bedside whether the patient is type1 or type 2 diabetic? In type 1 diabetics the beta cells are 100% destroyed and hence supplemenation with secretagogues(hypoglycaemic drugs) would not benefit the patient clinically whereas in type 2 diabetics almost 10-30% of beta cells are functional hence we can boost them up with secretagogues and increa...